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Arts & Humanities


释放你的创造力,在艺术中寻找意义, history, and life as you become a more confident performer and critical thinker.


We Prepare You

Our mission is to develop in students a well-rounded understanding of God and humanity through language, literature, music, theatre, and visual arts; preparing students to enrich the lives of all persons they influence through the context of a liberal arts education.

Arts & Humanities at MNU includes music, theatre and English areas of study. 教授为学生提供学习的机会, 在课程中成长和体验人类文化和自我表达, 体验活动和表演.


Lead God's people in worship musically, theologically, spiritually, practically, & technically
Study elements of pitch, melody, harmony, rhythm, dynamics, timbre, and texture
研究人物、事件、地点 & 构成人类历史的思想
Shelf of books
阅读,写作,解释,分析 & 批判性思维
培养创新能力 & 有效的沟通技巧
Music Education
教的基础 & 音乐先进理念
Social Studies & 历史/政府教育
分享你对英语的热爱 & 文学与学生
Dr. Christopher M. 史密斯导演
Symphonic Choir

Symphonic Choir is an auditioned large ensemble meeting Monday evenings. Symphonic Choir presents large choral masterworks performed with orchestra. 最近的作品包括亨德尔的《全球最大在线博彩平台》的合唱, 维瓦尔第的格洛丽亚, 莫扎特的雷吉娜·科里, 舒伯特的G大调弥撒.

Heritage Choir

Heritage Choir is an auditioned ensemble representing a wide range of majors. 它在下午参加MWF,并为大多数合唱音乐会演出. 曲目包括历史上的杰作, 当代音乐, 多元文化的音乐, Broadway shows, vocal jazz, and gospel. Heritage Choir sang in New York’s Carnegie Hall in March 2011 and in the National Capitol Choral Festival in Washington, DC in May 2013. 团员参加交响合唱团.


使徒崇拜是一个小的, 试音的鼓合奏, bass, keyboard, guitar, and vocals, 为基督教崇拜制作流行/现代风格的音乐, providing musical worship leadership in Chapel worship services on campus and in church gatherings in the community.

Facebook: MNUChoirs Instagram: mnuchoirs

Concert Band

Concert Band is a large ensemble of wind and percussion instruments that meets MWF afternoons. This ensemble performs a mixture of standard band repertoire and new repertoire by current composers. Periodically, chamber wind music is also performed using select members from this group. Directed by Dr. Luke D. Johnson

Jazz Ensemble

爵士乐团由标准的大乐队乐器组成. 这个乐团表演各种各样的风格, including Swing, Latin, Funk, Rock, Fusion, and Bebop. Ensemble members incorporate improvisation and appropriate idiomatic styles into the performance practice of this group. 教授指导 Nathan Nall and Dr. Luke D. Johnson

Pep Band

The MNU Pep Band plays at home Football and Basketball games in support of our athletic teams. Directed by Dr. Luke D. Johnson


The Drumline performs with the MNU Pep Band at home Football and Basketball games. Additionally, they support other athletic teams when possible and perform at functions across campus and in the community. Directed by Brandon Graves


室内乐团包括小提琴, Viola, Cello, and String Bass and performs a variety of works from classical and baroque, 现代选择. Directed by Katina Bilberry


MNU partners with our local community orchestra to provide students an opportunity to play in a classical full orchestra. 这个乐团对所有弦乐演奏者开放. Wind and Percussion players may have opportunities to participate when instrumentation needs arise with the approval of the director. Contact Dr. Luke D. Johnson for information.

Facebook: MNUBands Instagram: mnubands

Heather Tinker, MA,董事
The Theatre Department offers at least four productions each year including musicals and plays performing in the 500-seat Mabee Auditorium or the intimate Sunderland Black Box Theatre. Our improv teams perform monthly and we host several campus-wide events each year, 比如现场线索和摇摆舞筹款活动. MNU Theatre is a proud participant in the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival every year where students have the opportunity to compete for scholarships and audition for professional theatres. Visit our social media for rehearsal and show photos of recent productions! Facebook: MNU Theatre; Instagram: mnutheatre

MNU Arts & Humanities department offers two scholarship opportunities: Music and Theatre. Music major scholarships and/or music ensemble participation scholarships are available to exceptional students who complete the 音乐奖学金申请表 然后成功试镜. Theatre major scholarships are available to exceptional students who complete the 戏剧奖学金申请表 然后成功试镜.

The audition experience is an opportunity for prospective students to demonstrate their level of musical/theatrical skill in the prospective student’s major (and possibly secondary) performance area, 和老师们见面.

Audition Dates

所有即将到来的试镜都将在中美校园进行. If you are unable to come to campus, please get in touch with us at performingarts@d1k9.rvnetguy.com.


  • 2024年10月11日,星期五
  • 星期三,2024年11月13日
  • 2025年1月20日(星期一)(当日不设戏剧试镜)
  • 2025年2月7日,星期五
  • 2025年2月22日,星期六
  • 星期五,2025年3月14日
  • Friday, April 25, 2025 (This date is for MAX and Pioneer Day Participants Only)
  • 星期五,2025年5月9日
  • 填写音乐奖学金申请表.
  • Prepare a solo piece which best demonstrates skills in the primary performance area. Vocal selections should be memorized, and there is no requirement to sing in a foreign language.
  • 在预定的试镜中, demonstrate fundamental musical knowledge through a variety of diagnostic exercises, 包括视.
  • 可选:在次要表演区域准备一个独奏曲目.
  • 打击乐手至少用两种乐器演奏:小军鼓, timpani, 键盘敲击, drumset.
  • 演奏第二首独奏曲,风格与第一首形成对比.
  • If not primarily a pianist, demonstrate proficiency, if any, at the piano.
  • 如果不是主要的歌手,唱一首你自己选择的歌.
  • 填写戏剧奖学金申请表
  • ​Prepare two contrasting 90 second monologues OR a 32-bar musical theatre piece and one 90 second monologue
  • 在预定的试镜中, be prepared to share your theatre experience and cold read from several scripts


透过音乐训练及体验服务社区, 帮助参与者发展音乐技巧和对音乐的热爱, while providing MNU students studying the pedagogy of music an opportunity to teach and gain real-life experience is our mission. Join us!


表演艺术之友的宗旨是推广, support and encourage students in MNU Performing Arts programs—Music (instrumental, vocal, 礼拜)及剧场. 从单身或夫妻会员中选择.


The Spark of an idea can change the world, especially when expressed through the stage and screen. That’s what 星火MNU艺术营 is all about: helping students find their voice and expertly expressing it through professional-level technology and hands-on workshops.


This event is a performance opportunity for any middle school or high school jazz ensemble or jazz combo. 重点将放在以教育为基础的绩效和临床, promoting a positive experience and developing musicianship in the jazz idiom.


This event is a performance opportunity for any middle school or high school jazz ensemble or jazz combo. 重点将放在以教育为基础的绩效和临床, promoting a positive experience and developing musicianship in the jazz idiom.


This event is a performance opportunity for any middle school or high school jazz ensemble or jazz combo. 重点将放在以教育为基础的绩效和临床, promoting a positive experience and developing musicianship in the jazz idiom.



对偿还学生贷款的担忧是很常见的. That’s why we provide the Pioneer Pledge, our loan repayment assistance program. 如果你毕业后收入不高, 先锋承诺协助您偿还教育贷款. 在我们的财政援助页面了解更多信息.


Find the arts & 人文学科很适合你. 与您的MNU团队交谈以定制您的旅程.